Thony's Eyes
The anticipated sequel, Thony's Eyes, is now here and we're grateful to announce that the film has garnered a Los Angeles Film Awards Honorable Mention Winner!
Stay tuned for your opportunity to catch the film.
Dr. Tate-Scruse’ mental health practice Cohesive Counseling Associates PLLC (CCA) is proud to partner with Destiny Reached Through Empowerment (DRTE), a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that is thriving to educate, equip, and empower women in a safe haven to make positive life changes.
Consider a nominal gift to help efforts towards improving the lives of women.
The short film
that started it all.
The Blind Passenger – Domestic Violence Awareness Collaborative is a creative initiative designed to bring awareness to domestic violence and disenfranchised family systems that have been affected by intimate partner violence. It is based on the self-help memoir Blind Passenger, written and published by Dr. Melissa Tate-Scruse.
As a licensed professional counselor for nearly 15 years, Dr. Tate-Scruse was able to marry her personal testimony of failed marriage and her professional knowledge of toxic relationships to create a poignant self-help memoir of unhealthy relationship dynamics that affected her family.
Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, THONY has served as the backdrop for #NecessaryConversations – offering guided mental health discussions, providing resources, and informing the community of programs that support men, women, and children who have been affected by intimate partner violence.